Iron is key to many plant processes, including formation of chlorophyll for photosynthesis, carrying oxygen in the plant and nitrogen fixation. An iron-rich crop will be a deep green color with full leaves. However, if you notice your crop has a yellow color with dark green veins, you may be facing Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) in your soil.
What is IDC?
IDC is a lack of available iron to the plant — and it’s no joke. When iron is in the soil, it is in a ferric (FE3+) state. Plant roots need to reduce the ferric iron (FE3+) into ferrous iron (FE2+) in order to make it soluble.
One of the causes of IDC is high pH levels in the soil, or alkaline soil. Alkaline pH levels often prevent plant roots from reducing iron to a soluble state. If roots can't take up iron into a soluble state, they will quickly become iron deficient, and suffer from IDC.
IDC can lead to stunted plant growth, causing more problems down the line, including slowed development and maturity. Slowed development leads to reduced canopy closure resulting in increased weed pressure and severe reduction in crop harvestability, meaning a smaller yield.
IDC will lead to a reduced yield. And common preventative strategies like using an IDC-resistant seed variety aren’t always enough. This begs the question – how can you have a high yield potential while also preventing IDC?
Soygreen and how it works
Soygreen is an iron (Fe) formula developed for soybeans and other crops suffering from iron deficiency chlorosis. This patented chelating agent keeps the iron (Fe) soluble for uptake. Chelation makes your fertilizer work. The concentration of ortho-ortho EDDHA in Soygreen is so strong and so pure that it makes other micronutrients in the soil soluble for uptake.
Beware of imitators
Soygreen’s concentration and technology are unmatched, giving you a more economical and effective solution than other market options. Many imitator products can make your beans green early in the season but not always carry through to pod fill. Soygreen increases and protects yield potential, throughout the season. Even mild cases of IDC can rob yield.
The proof is in the green
To ensure you have the best products to fight IDC and meet your soil fertility needs, learn more about Soygreen here or contact your local CHS representative.