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Prioritize adjuvants for optimal crop protection and environmental stewardship. Explore our diverse selection of adjuvants designed to maximize your customers’ investments and meet your stewardship goals. From drift inhibitors and buffers to compatibility, deposition, and activator agents, we offer a comprehensive range tailored to suit your customers’ unique needs.

Adium logo

Nonionic surfactant
Polyacrylamide deposition
Drift control

  • Multi-functional all-in-one product
  • Economical adjuvant
  • Shines in applications of glyphosate
Advatrol logo

High surfactant oil concentrate

  • High quality concentration of emulsifiers and methylated seed oil in a convenient low use rate
  • Increases contact activity and penetration of the spray across a broad range of herbicides
  • Made with highly refined soybean oil for enhanced performance, stability, and mixing
Cerium Elite logo

Nonionic surfactant
Drift control agent
Antifoam agent

  • Premier patent pending surfactant that reduces drift
  • Oil replacing adjuvant with enhanced crop safety
  • Multifunctional, including deposition
Citri Amp logo

Wetting agent

  • Provides wetting and spreading
  • Increases plant tissue absorption
  • Improves translocation
Cognitive 1 logo

Drift control
Foliar retention agent
Deposition aid

  • Drift reduction and deposition aid specifically formulated for use when a DRA is required for dicamba technologies
  • Can be used in combination with other adjuvants and non-dicamba spray mixes
  • Convenient low use rate
Covrex logo

High-load crop oil concentrate

  • Increases penetration and uniform coverage on leaf surface
  • Half the use rate of standard crop oil
  • Made with highly refined soybean oil for enhanced performance, storage stability, and mixing
Crop Oil logo
Liquid crop oil concentrate
  • Consistent performance which meets quality and crop oil safety standards of 92% or greater unsulfonated residue testing
  • Slows drying time to allow more efficient uptake of the active ingredient and penetration through the waxy surface of the target
  • Optimizes penetration of the pesticide into the target surface
Encloax logo

Water conditioning agent

  • NPE free surfactant
  • Improved glufosinate performance
  • Improved glyphosate performance
Enerpex logo

Nonionic surfactant
Drift control agent
Deposition aid
Water conditioner

  • All-in-one adjuvant
  • Unparalleled low use rate
  • Ensures on target application, mitigating risk for your ease of mind

Injectable soil surfactant

  • Helps enhance soil wetting and water infiltration
  • Dramatically lowers the surface tension of water and enables precipitation/irrigation to penetrate through water-resistant surfaces almost immediately
  • Recommended for use on all agricultural crops
Jackhammer logo

Nonionic surfactant
Water conditioning agent

  • Superior blend of water conditioning agents
  • Effective at alleviating antagonism
  • Unsurpassed droplet coverage and canopy penetration
Jammer Elite logo

Water Conditioning Agent  
Nonionic Surfactant Buffering Agent  

  • Unsurpassed water conditioner
  • Industry leading surfactant proven across millions of acres
  • Convenient and easy-to-use application rate
Last Chance Pro logo

Nonionic Surfactant  
Water Conditioner   
Deposition Aid

  • Formulated for increased performance over that of a standard adjuvant program
  • Improves uptake, translocation, and efficacy of herbicide applications
  • Low use rate and additional defoamer allows for convenient mixing and handling
Linkage logo

Water Conditioning Agent

  • Multicomponent surfactant and ammonium salt system
  • Optimizes retention and absorption of many herbicides
  • Enhanced weed control along with crop safety compared to oil adjuvants
Liquid AMS logo

Ammonium Sulfate Solution

  • Convenient liquid formulation
  • Provides ammonium that can help improve uptake and translocation
  • Provides sulfate that combines with salts in the spray solution
Mediate Plus logo

High molecular weight drift and deposition agent

  • High molecular weight drift and deposition agent reducing driftable fines
  • Ammonium sulfate and defoamer for easy mixing
  • Designed for use with herbicides, such as glyphosate
Parachute II logo

Drift Reduction Agent  
Deposition Aid   
NPE Free

  • Dual mode of action: drift and deposition aid; minimizing off target movement
  • Oil emulsion technology combined with a resin creates a state-of-the-art DRA
  • NPE-Free for late corn post-applications
Petrichor logo

Deposition Aid  
Drift Control Agent  

  • Industry leading drift and deposition agent
  • Low 3 oz./Acre use rate is equivalent to industry standard of 4 oz
  • Made with highly refined soybean oil for enhanced performance, storage stability, and mixing
Precinct 2 logo

Water conditioning agent
Wetting agent

  • Quality combination of ammonium sulfate and surfactant
  • Improved spreading and pesticide uptake
  • Reduction of hard water interactions with pesticides
Prefer 90 logo

90% nonionic surfactant

  • Quality nonionic spray adjuvant
  • Enhances the effectiveness of herbicides
  • Provides maximum performance across multiple environmental conditions
Savvy logo

High surfactant oil concentrate

  • High quality concentration of emulsifiers and methylated seed oil
  • Flexible across a broad range of herbicides
  • High quality concentration allows for lower use rates
Soiltrate logo

Soil and spray deposition agent

  • Improves pre-emergent weed control
  • Reduces evaporation and drift
  • Keeps active ingredient in the weed kill-zone longer
Stake logo

High surfactant oil concentrate

  • High quality concentration of emulsifiers and paraffin oil.
  • Increased contact activity and penetration
  • Uniform coverage on leaf surfaces at half the use rate
Suralta logo

Volatility Reducing Agent

  • Reduces the formation of dicamba acid (DCH) in solution
  • Minimizes volatility potential of dicamba after spraying
  • Buffers against significant changes in solution pH
Tapran logo

High Surfactant Oil Concentrate   
Water Conditioning Agent  
Deposition Aid

  • High quality concentration of emulsifiers and methylated seed oil
  • Flexible across a broad range of herbicides
  • Made with highly refined soybean oil for enhanced performance, stability, and mixing
Upland MSO logo

Modified vegetable oil concentrate

  • Quality blend of methylated soybean oil and surfactant emulsifiers
  • Enhanced leaf penetration provides greater herbicide activity
  • Low-foam formulation offers a greater ease of use
Veracity logo

Water Conditioning Agent   
Nonionic Surfactant  
Deposition Aid 
Defoaming Agent

  • All-in-one, easy-to-use adjuvant
  • Diverse functioning agents provides enhanced performance of glyphosate and many other herbicides
  • Ensures on-target application, mitigating risk for your ease of mind
Veracity Elite II logo

Ammonium Sulfate Free Water Conditioner
Nonionic Surfactant
Drift Reduction Agent
Deposition Aid

  • All-in-one adjuvant
  • Unparalleled low use rate
  • Ensures on target application, mitigating risk for your ease of mind
Verasure logo

Volatility Reduction Agent 
Drift Reduction Agent Water Conditioner 

  • Easy to use, all-in-one adjuvant
  • High-quality drift control without dimishing spray pattern
  • Meets requirements for DRA and VRA in dicamba applications
White water 90 logo

93% nonionic surfactant 

  • Improves penetration by increasing the contact time
  • Permeates through waxy surfaces more effectively
  • Enhances the wetting ability of active ingredients
White water NIS logo

Nonionic surfactant

  • Designed to enhace the spreading of spray solutions
  • Quick wetting action ensures better coverage
  • Keeps spray mixture wet on targeted surface, aiding in better uptake by plants