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Breaking down the benefits of a new powerful, unique corn herbicide

As growers are looking new ways to control resistant weeds in cornfields, many are beginning to see the clean field results of new Kyro™ herbicide in their GMO and non-GMO cornfields.
Corteva Agriscience
Jul 18, 2024

Kyro combines three effective modes of action – acetochlor, topramezone and clopyralid – for both postemergence and residual control of more than 65 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds.

What makes Kyro unique

Strong postemergence weed control

The strong in-season postemergence activity and residual of Kyro complement farmers’ existing preemergence corn herbicides, making it a perfect fit into a two-pass program approach. Kyro provides industry-leading grass control, giving farmers another powerful solution outside of glyphosate and ALS herbicides in the fight to control resistant grasses.

Three modes of action

Kyro is the first corn herbicide to combine the three proven modes of action of acetochlor, clopyralid and topramezone in a single premix.

Great handling and tank-mix compatibility

Kyro has tank-mix flexibility with glyphosate, atrazine and other corn herbicides for greater weed control. In addition, Kyro can be tank-mixed with several fungicides, insecticides and micronutrients.


Kyro fits a wide variety of different types of corn — glyphosate-tolerant, non-GMO, seed and popcorn. It has flexibility as a stand-alone herbicide and as a tank-mix partner. Plus, farmers can apply Kyro on up to 24-inch-tall corn, giving growers application timing flexibility.

Excellent crop safety

The encapsulated acetochlor in Kyro delivers excellent crop safety and less crop response for healthier corn and higher yield potential.

Watch this video to learn more about what makes Kyro herbicide unique.

Breaking down the Kyro herbicide groups

Kyro™ herbicide contains three unique active ingredients from three key herbicide groups – acetochlor (Group 15), topramezone (Group 27) and clopyralid (Group 4). While rotating herbicides is key to managing herbicide resistance, rotating active modes of action and herbicide groups is even better.

“While there are several different trade names and new herbicides released every year, you can essentially narrow down herbicide modes of action to about a dozen,” explains Kelly Backscheider, zonal biology leader herbicides, Corteva Agriscience. “Everyone wants simplicity these days or products that can fit multiple crops. But if we are using the same active ingredients in both corn and soybeans, then we increase the chance of resistance developing.”

Crop rotation is a great way to keep herbicide resistance at bay, but it’s not going to help if you are relying on the same active ingredients in both crops. In general, corn provides more opportunity to control resistant weeds when compared with options for soybean herbicides.

The following is breakdown of the herbicide groups and active ingredients in Kyro along with the Group 5 herbicide atrazine, a key corn herbicide and tankmix compatible with Kyro, and how each active works to control your toughest broadleaf and grass weeds.

Group 4

Commonly referred to as synthetic auxins or growth regulators, Group 4 actives include herbicides such as 2,4-D and dicamba and typically work by mimicking auxin hormones in the plant, resulting in the disruption of plant growth. The results are often visible as twisting, cupping, curling and strapping of plant tissue.

Several actives in this group, including clopyralid, provide control to emerged weeds but not much residual control of weeds. These actives are typically effective on broadleaf species. For example, clopyralid has excellent postemergence activity on troublesome weeds, such as giant ragweed.

Group 15

Commonly referred to as long chain fatty acid inhibitors, herbicides in this group provide residual activity on weeds, rather than emerged weeds. They are very effective on providing residual control of small-seeded broadleaves, such as waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, as well as grasses.

Group 27

Also known as HPPD inhibitors or the bleacher herbicides, actives in this mode of action obstruct key enzymes essential for pigment synthesis, which results in the bleaching or whitening of leaves. They provide control of weeds that are emerged and also provide residual control of weeds and activity on driver weed species, such as waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. Kyro™ herbicide is a postemergence-only option that contains a different HPPD in addition to a Group 15 and Group 4 herbicide.

Group 5

This group of herbicides includes atrazine, a very important active ingredient for corn. Group 5 herbicides are referred to as photosystem II inhibitors, or simply PS II inhibitors. Atrazine provides excellent residual and postemergence control of many key grass and broadleaf weed species. In addition, atrazine — when used in combination with an HPPD herbicide such as Kyro — enhances the control of key weed species, such as waterhemp or Palmer amaranth, when compared with HPPD inhibitors applied alone.

Although there is atrazine resistance in some areas, it continues to be used across corn acres across the country. This is why it is best to use corn herbicides with other modes of action in tankmixes with atrazine.

Work closely with your local retailer or Corteva Agriscience representative to create a weed control program that includes multiple modes of action and helps prevent resistance on your operation.

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