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Starter fertilizers

Achieve a stronger finish this season

Applying a starter fertilizer gives crops the start they need by providing roots with the available nutrients they need.
Jan 13, 2022

Start strong, finish strong with starter fertilizer

Getting off to a strong start is one way to ensure a stronger finish this growing season. Applying a starter fertilizer gives crops the start they need by providing roots with the available nutrients they need to achieve optimal growth. Avoid some common early yield loss risks this year by including a starter fertilizer to your fertility plan this spring.

We have gathered some of the significant benefits starter fertilizer provides whether you’ve used starter fertilizer for years or are exploring it as a new option this year.

A little goes a long way

Since starter fertilizer is applied in-furrow or near furrow, high concentrations are not needed because the roots are right there where the fertilizer is placed, making nutrients readily accessible to the young roots.

Rapid early season growth and crop uniformity

Low temperatures and wet soils in the spring can limit the microbial activity and mineralization process needed to supply seedlings with critical nutrients. In areas like the upper Midwest where the soils are cold and wet during planting, starter fertilizer can help lessen seedling stress by providing available nutrients to the roots to start crops off with an even stand.

Stronger, healthier plants and higher yield potential

Not only will starter fertilizer help with seedling vigor to withstand adverse conditions after planting, but it also sets up the plant for earlier flowering and crop maturity which can result in improved yield especially in years of early frost in the fall as well as lower grain moisture at harvest.

Ability to add micronutrients

Whether adding plant growth regulators, biostimulants or micronutrients like zinc and manganese to starter fertilizer, add-ins have a synergistic effect for better overall results compared to using one or two nutrients alone.

Increased fertilizer efficiency

By providing N, P and K right where the plant needs it, starter fertilizer makes the nutrients available for efficient uptake. However, in soils with high cation exchange capacity (CEC), high or low soil pH and low organic matter, nutrients in the soil or in applied fertilizer can become tied up in the soil and unavailable to the plan.

To achieve maximum efficiency in those conditions, retailers and growers may also consider adding a chelated fertilizer efficiency product like Levesol Zn to increase nutrient solubility and availability for plant uptake.

To learn more about starter fertilizers or Levesol Zn, contact your CHS Agronomy representative.

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