Enhanced efficiency
Broadcast fertilizer additive for dry phosphate aiding in the availability of phosphorus and other key micronutrients
Trivar is a broadcast fertilizer additive that maximizes phosphate fertilizer by greatly increasing the availability of phosphorus and other key nutrients.
Features and benefits

Harnesses three unique modes-of-action to make phosphorus and other nutrients more available.

Easy-to-use formulation that takes less time to impregnate than commonly used impregnation products.
Trivar mobilizes phosphorus and other nutrients with three modes of action.

Trivar includes patented Levesol technology, the industry's most powerful chelating agent, to prevent micronutrients from binding with phosphorus. This leaves more P available for the uptake.

Trivar uses a nutrient-focused enzyme to convert organic phosphorus into its inorganic, more plant-available form.

Trivar impregnated on dry phosphorus provides uniform nutrient distribution of zinc and boron in each granule, ensuring every plant gets the nutrition it needs.
Product details
- Trivar is the first of its kind chelating agent that can be added directly to a dry phosphate fertilizer and broadcasted on the field
- Contains the chelating agent Levesol which prevents micronutrients from binding with phosphorus, leaves more phosphorus available for uptake, increases overall nutrient efficiency within the plant, and leads to healthier plants and improved yield
- Includes a nutrient focused enzyme that converts organic phosphorus to plant available phosphorus from the soil
- Includes added zinc and boron which creates a uniform distribution of these two critical micronutrients on each granule
3-4 qt/ton of dry phosphorus based fertilizer
Broadcast application
2x2.5 gal | 250 gal

Research by CHS agronomy and third parties have used digital technology to monitor the uptake rate of phosphorus and micronutrients in fields across the nation. Compared to standard fertilizer applications the patented ortho-ortho chelate technology continues to provide increases in available phosphorus and provide higher yields for growers.