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Nitrogen management


Nitrogen stabilizer

N-Edge reduces nitrogen loss, providing a valuable window of time for rain, irrigation or incorporation to move fertilizer to the root zone before volatilization occurs.

Features and benefits

Protects above-ground nitrogen from volatilization

NBPT inhibits activity of the urease enzyme that breaks down urea

Slows the conversion of urea to ammonia gas

Safe and secure

Cut losses to the atmosphere, help ensure nitrogen moves to the root zone and protect fertilizer investments. N-Edge is a 26.7% NBPT-based Nitrogen stabilizer that can be applied to surface applied urea and urea ammonia nitrate (UAN) to prevent the volitation of ammonia.

Product details

  • Contains a penetrating agent that ensures its proven active ingredient, NBPT, spreads throughout the treated fertilizer granule for maximum effectiveness
  • Increases the efficiency of urea or urea-containing fertilizers for all crops, turf and forestry
  • Provides superior handling because it dries faster, covers better, produces less dust and enables treated fertilizer to flow better
  • The product’s bright green color makes it easy to see where treated fertilizer has been applied, helping to ensure nutrients are in the right place
Use rate

Urea: 3 qt/ton
UAN: 1 .5-2 .5 qt/ton

Application method

Surface application of urea and urea containing fertilizers such as pre-plant, pre-emergence, side-dress, top-dress or other post-planting applications

Package sizes

2x2.5 gal   |   250 gal

Keep your valuables close.
With proven active ingredients.

N-Edge contains a proven active ingredient, NBPT, and a superior penetrating agent.

  • Protects above ground nitrogen from volatilization
  • NBPT inhibits activity of the urease enzyme that breaks down urea
  • Slows the conversion of urea to ammonia gas

There’s a better way to reduce loss of nitrogen, and it is with industry-proven ingredients. N-Edge® nitrogen stabilizer from CHS provides a valuable two- to three-week window of time for rain or incorporation to move fertilizer to the root zone, improving profitability and nutrient stewardship.

3 forms of Nitrogen loss

There are 3 key ways nitrogen can be lost, volatilization, denitrification and leaching. When added together, that is up to 95% of your nitrogen investment that is at risk of loss.

30% volatilization

30% can be lost to the atmosphere through volatilization

5-35% denitrification

5% - 35% can be lost through biological oxidation, or denitrification

30% leaching

As much as 30% can be leached, or lost through soil moisture

Protect nitrogen above ground

Above ground protection

Industry proven NBPT urease inhibitor that prevents naturally occurring urease enzymes from breaking down urea-based nitrogen fertilizers, preventing ammonia volatilization.

What gives N-Edge the edge

Penetrating agent icon
Penetrating agent

Ensures the proven active ingredient (NBPT) spreads throughout the treated granule.

Superior handling icon
Superior handling

Penetrates better, dries faster and enables treated fertilizer to perform well under a wide range of conditions.

Right placement icon
Right placement

Bright green color shows where treated fertilizer has been applied, helping to ensure nutrients are in the right place.

improving nutrient management icon
Improving nutrient management

Increases the nitrogen efficiency for all crops, turf and forestry by reducing nitrogen loss to the atmosphere.


