young soybean field

Don't gamble with disease protection

March 30, 2023 12:53 p.m.

By Nufarm

Are you willing to risk 10% of your seed investment?  If you don’t account for spring diseases, that’s essentially what is happening. When seeds are infected with Pythium prior to emergence, seedlings will likely yellow, wilt, and die due to damping-off. Pythium disease prefers cold soil temperatures and excess soil moisture.  This disease can be extremely severe if excessive rainfall occurs immediately after planting and most active with soil temperatures between 59-62 degrees.


Phytophthora root and stem rot is caused by a soilborne pathogen that will cause wilting of plants, root systems with dark lesions that may be rotted, dark stem lesions extending up from the soil line, and seedlings that have damped-off. The most severely affected areas in a field generally are those that tend to hold moisture for extended periods. Infection can take place throughout the season, and adult plants can be killed in severe conditions.


Nufarm Precinct logo


Nufarm’s Precinct™ is a modern systemic fungicide seed treatment that offers excellent control of select diseases, such as downy mildew, Pythium spp., and Phytophthora spp. The product is quickly absorbed by the seed and spreads through the plant after germination, leading to uniform distribution within the plant and less leaching or loss due to soil binding. This protects the seed and the seedling at an early stage, resulting in fast development and a uniform crop. Precinct is effective in both damp colder conditions ideal for Pythium, and warmer humid conditions ideal for Phytophthora and downy mildew.

Precinct is specially developed for seed treatment and contains 4.1 lbs. of mefenoxam per gallon, the most active isomer of the compound metalaxyl, biologically. Generic metalaxyl seed treatment products include presence of both the active molecule and the inactive molecules that will lead to competition to bind to the fungal pathogen reducing the power of the chemistry required to provide plant protection against the pathogen.  Precinct provides a higher level of active molecules to target the pathogenic fungi of pythium, phytophthora and potential downy mildew.

Give your plants the best start possible with Precinct from Nufarm.
